Style Helper
The style
helper can be used for writing pseudo, attribute and prop selectors.
Pseudo Elements
Available pseudo elements:
- after
- backdrop
- before
- cue
- cueRegion
- firstLetter
- firstLine
- fileSelectorButton
- marker
- placeholder
- selection
Pseudo element functions:
Name | Arg type |
part | string |
slotted | string |
Pseudo Classes
Available pseudo classes:
- active
- anyLink
- autofill
- checked
- default
- defined
- disabled
- empty
- enabled
- first
- firstChild
- firstOfType
- fullscreen
- focus
- focusVisible
- focusWithin
- hover
- indeterminate
- inRange
- invalid
- lastChild
- lastOfType
- left
- link
- modal
- onlyChild
- onlyOfType
- optional
- outOfRange
- pictureInPicture
- placeholderShown
- paused
- playing
- readOnly
- readWrite
- required
- right
- root
- scope
- target
- valid
- visited
Pseudo class functions:
Name | Arg type |
host | string |
lang | string |
is | string[] |
not | string[] |
where | string[] |
nthChild | number or string |
nthLastChild | number or string |
nthLastOfType | number or string |
nthOfType | number or string |
Attribute builder
Methods available on the style.attribute('...')
builder are:
Method | Arg type | CSS syntax |
equals | string[] | [attr=value] |
contains | string[] | [attr~=value] |
containsAny | string[] | [attr*=value] |
startsWith | string[] | [attr^=value] |
endsWith | string[] | [attr$=value] |
for creating nested selector lists (comma separated).
style.or(style.before, style.after)
// ::before, ::after
for combining nested selectors.
style.and(style.hover, style.focus)
// :hover:focus
Media Query builder
Writing media queries can be made easy with the help of the mq
helper that provides a nice DSL. Simply chain the exposed methods to build the desired media query string.
import styled, { mq } from '@n3e/styled';
const Container = styled.div({
// @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) { ... }
[mq().screen().from(768).to(991)]: {
maxWidth: '45rem'
Media Types
The mq helper exposes 2 media type methods:
which outputs@media screen
which outputs@media print
Defined media query features
These methods accept a string
argument which is from a pre-defined set.
Method | Allowed args |
anyPointer | 'fine' or 'coarse' or 'none' |
colorGamut | 'srgb' or 'p3' or 'rec2020' |
displayMode | 'fullscreen' or 'standalone' or 'minimal-ui' or 'browser' |
orientation | 'landscape' or 'portrait' |
overflowBlock | 'none' or 'scroll' or 'optional-paged' or 'paged' |
pointer | 'fine' or 'coarse' or 'none' |
prefersColorScheme | 'light' or 'dark' |
prefersContrast | 'no-preference' or 'more' or 'less' |
scripting | 'none' or 'initial-only' or 'enabled' |
update | 'none' or 'slow' or 'fast' |
anyHover | 'none' or 'hover' |
hover | 'none' or 'hover' |
forcedColors | 'none' or 'active' |
grid | '0' or '1' |
invertedColors | 'none' or 'inverted' |
overflowInline | 'none' or 'scroll' |
prefersReducedMotion | 'no-preference' or 'reduce' |
Range media query features
As the CSS specification defines, these are features prefixed with min
or max
and the joining hyphen.
Method | Arg type |
height | string |
width | string |
aspectRatio | string |
color | number (optional) |
colorIndex | number (optional) |
monochrome | number (optional) |
resolution | string |
All the methods in the above table also have min and max versions. eg: width(arg: string)
me can be used as minWidth(arg: string)
as well as maxWith(arg: string)
There is also:
Method | Arg type | Returns |
from | number | min-width |
to | number | max-width |
NOTE: number
argument supplied to the above methods is converted to a px
Escape hatch
There is also an escape hatch to use media features not supplied by mq
helper or an unofficial or experimental one.
The feature
method takes 2 arguments, the feature name string
and the feature value number
or string
mq().feature('awesome-new-feature', '100ghz')
Global styles
To set default styles for body, headings etc. just use the withCSS
method which accepts normal CSS as its arguments.
const boxSizing =
:before {
box-sizing: border-box;
const htmlAndBody =
`body, html {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
const AppWrapper = styled
Keyframe animations can be declared and used like so:
const shimmer = 'shimmer';
const SomeElement = styled
animation: `${shimmer} 1.5s ease-in-out infinite`
`@keyframes ${shimmer} {
0% { opacity: 0.5; }
50% { opacity: 0.8; }
100% { opacity: 0.5; }
Font face rules:
const AppWrapper = styled
`@font-face {
font-family: 'Montserrat';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 500;
font-display: swap;
src: url('path/to/font/file.woff2') format('woff2');
Supported CSS
The following at-rules are supported:
- container
- counter-style
- font-face
- keyframes
- media
- property
- starting-style
- supports
CSS variable themes can be used as part of global style definitions.
const AppWrapper = styled
`:root {
--background-primary: #fff;
--color-primary: #262223;
`@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--background-primary: #121212;
--color-primary: #fff;
Variants can be defined using prop styles and object mapping.
import type { CSSProperties } from '@n3e/styled';
type MarvelLegends =
| 'parker'
| 'stark'
| 'banner';
type BoxProps = {
children?: React.ReactNode;
variant?: MarvelLegends;
const variantStyle: Record<MarvelLegends, CSSProperties> = {
parker: {
background: 'blue',
color: 'red'
stark: {
background: 'red',
color: 'gold'
banner: {
background: 'green',
color: 'purple'
const Box = styled.div<BoxProps>({
padding: '1.5rem 1rem',
borderRadius: '0.25rem',
[style.prop('variant')]: (variant: MarvelLegends) => variantStyle[variant]