

A high performance and easy to use CSS-in-JS library with support for server-side rendering. Built similar to other popular libraries, with a familiar API, providing a great overall developer experience.

Styles are defined using Object Literal syntax, meaning instead of writing properties in kebab-case like regular CSS, they are in camelCase eg: max-width would be maxWidth. Don't worry, Styled provides autocompletion and type checking for CSS properties and values thanks to CSSType.

There is also a way to define global styles using CSS, more on that later.


Install Styled using your favourite package manager:

# with npm
npm install @n3e/styled

# with yarn
yarn add @n3e/styled

# with pnpm
pnpm add @n3e/styled

# with bun
bun add @n3e/styled

Once installed, just import like so:

import styled from '@n3e/styled';

Getting started

Let's start by building a simple button:

const accent = '#ff6995';

const asRem = (
  targetPxValue: number,
  baseFontSize = 16
): string => `${targetPxValue / baseFontSize}rem`;

const Button = styled.button({
  appearance: 'none',
  backgroundColor: accent,
  border: `2px solid ${accent}`,
  borderRadius: asRem(4),
  margin: 0,
  transition: '0.2s linear'

const Composition = () => (
    I'm a button


Styled comes with a helper for writing pseudo styles, below is an example on how to define pseudo-class selectors:

import styled, { style } from '@n3e/styled';
const Button = styled.button({
  // button base styles

  [style.hover]: {
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 105, 180, 0.7)'

  // pseudo class function
  [style.not(style.disabled)]: {
    backgroundColor: 'purple',
    borderColor: 'purple',
    color: 'white'

  // you can write it yourself, if preferred
  ':hover': {
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 105, 180, 0.7)'

  ':not(:disabled)': {
    backgroundColor: 'purple',
    borderColor: 'purple',
    color: 'white'

const Composition = () => (
    I'm a button

Similarly pseudo-element selectors are defined as shown below:

const PrefixedUsingBefore = styled.span({
  [style.before]: {
    content: '$'

  // the same can be done manually
  '::before': {
    content: '$'

const Composition = () => (
    dollar bucks


Descendant combinator

const Paragraph = styled.p({
  margin: 0

const RichText = styled.div({
  [style.selector('p')]: {
    margin: '0 0 24px'

  // target a Styled component
  [style.selector(Paragraph)]: {
    margin: '0 0 24px'

const Composition = () => (
    <p>Para one</p>
    <Paragraph>Para two</Paragraph>

Child combinator (>)

const Image = styled.img({
  display: 'block',
  maxWith: '100%'

const RichText = styled.div({
  [style.selector('> img')]: {
    border: '2px solid yellow'

  // target a Styled component
  [style.selector(`> ${Image}`)]: {
    border: '2px solid yellow'

const Composition = () => (
    <img src='path/to/image' />
    <Image src='path/to/image' />

Sibling combinators (~ or +)

const Label = styled.label({
  display: 'inline-block',
  cursor: 'pointer',
  verticalAlign: 'top'

const Checkbox = styled.input({
  [style.checked]: {
    [style.selector('+ label')]: {
      fontWeight: 'bold'

    // target a Styled component
    [style.selector(`+ ${Label}`)]: {
      fontWeight: 'bold'

const Composition = () => (
    <Checkbox type='checkbox' />
    <Label>Label text</Label>

Attribute selectors

const Anchor = styled.a({
  // base styles

  )]: {
    // styles ...

  // you need to use Styled's combinator helper `or` to create
  // nested selector lists (ie: comma separated selector)
  )]: {
    // styles ...

  // or have to duplicate style definitions
  '[href^="http"]': { /*  styles ... */ },
  '[href^="https"]': { /*  styles ... */ }

const Composition = () => (
  <Anchor href='#'>
    I'm an anchor


Nested at-rules such as @media, @supports and even @container are declared as demonstrated below:

const Container = styled.div({
  // base styles

  '@media screen and (min-width: 576px)': {
    maxWidth: '540px'

  '@media screen and (min-width: 768px)': {
    maxWidth: '720px'

  // you can even nest at-rules
  '@supports (display: flex)': {
    display: 'flex',
    flexDirection: 'column',

    '@media screen and (min-width: 768px)': {
      flexDirection: 'row'

For examples of @keyframes and @font-face, refer to API section.

Styled exposes another helper for building media queries.

Prop based styles

Property matching or pattern matching can be achieved by calling the prop method on the style helper.

const Anchor = styled.a({
  display: 'inline-block',
  textTransform: 'uppercase',
  cursor: 'pointer',

  [style.prop('isActive')]: {
    color: '#ff6995',
    textDecoration: 'none'

const Composition = () => (
  <Anchor href='#' isActive>
    I'm an anchor

You can even specify a function that takes the prop being matched as its only argument and also type the props for the same.

type IconProps = {
  width?: number;
  height?: number;

const Icon = styled.svg<IconProps>({
  display: 'inline-block',
  stroke: 'transparent',
  fill: 'currentColor',
  verticalAlign: 'middle',
  pointerEvents: 'none',
  cursor: 'inherit',

  [style.prop('width')]: (width: number) => ({
    width: `${width}px`
  [style.prop('height')]: (height: number) => ({
    height: `${height}px`

const Composition = () => (
  <Icon width={36} height={36} />

In order to avoid maintaining a whitelist of props that are not meant to be passed down to the underlying HTML tag, all props used in any of the pattern matching functions will be treated as transient props and will NOT flow downward.

Thus in the example above width and height props will not be passed to the underlying svg tag, so ensure styles are defined to handle that.

To match against multiple properties, just use one of all, any or not methods on the style.props helper.

type CheckboxUIProps = {
  isChecked?: boolean;
  isDisabled?: boolean;

const CheckboxUI = styled.span<CheckboxUIProps>({
  [style.props.all('isDisabled', 'isChecked')]: {
    opacity: 0.7

In the above example, opacity styles will only be applied when both isChecked and isDisabled props are supplied to the CheckBoxUI component.

When using a function for matching multiple props, be sure to pass in all props or the props object if not destructuring.

type ButtonProps = {
  borderColour?: string;
  borderStyle?: 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'none';

const Button = styled.button<ButtonProps>({
  [style.props.any('borderColour', 'borderStyle')]: ({
  }: ButtonProps) => ({
    borderColor: borderColour || 'purple',
    borderStyle: borderStyle || 'solid'


Not to confuse with Typescript's Generics, there is a mechanism for defining Components that are "generic", basically a Higher Order Component that takes a Component as its only argument.

To define a Generic component, simply call the generic method as shown below:

type SizeProp = {
  size?: number;

const GenericSize = styled.generic<SizeProp>({
  boxSizing: 'border-box',
  [style.prop('size')]: (size: number) => ({
    fontSize: `${size / 16}rem`,
    lineHeight: `${size / 16 * 1.5}rem`

Then wrap a component with it as shown below.

const Heading = styled.h1({
  // styles ...

const Wrapped = GenericSize(Heading);

const Composition = () => (
  <Wrapped size={64}>
    Wrapped Heading Component

Generic components will pass all props received down to the wrapped component. Ensure that the className prop is passed down to the underlying DOM node when using custom components.

type CustomHeadingProps = {
  children?: React.ReactNode;
  className?: string;

const CustomHeading = ({
}: CustomHeadingProps) => (
  <h2 className={className}>

const Wrapped = GenericSize(CustomHeading);

const Composition = () => (
  <Wrapped size={64}>
    Wrapped CustomHeading Component

To avoid nesting when trying to use multiple generic components, simply call the extend method.

const GenericContentParadigm = styled.generic({
  margin: '0 0 1.5rem',
  [style.lastChild]: {
    marginBottom: 0

const GenericHugeText = styled.generic({
  fontSize: '4.5rem',
  lineHeight: '5rem'

const PageHeading = styled
    color: '#333',
    fontWeight: 400,
    padding: 0

You can also extend from other Styled Components and even plain object literal styles. The extend method performs a deep merge, so nested styles containing duplicate keys will be combined.

const GenericClearFloat = styled.generic({
  float: 'left',
  [style.after]: {
    content: '',
    clear: 'both',
    display: 'block'

const Danger = styled.span({
  color: 'red',
  [style.after]: {
    content: '!'

const ExtendMayhem = styled
    color: 'blue',
    [style.hover]: {
      textDecoration: 'underline',
      [style.after]: {
        color: 'pink',
        cursor: 'pointer'
      [style.hover]: {
        textDecoration: 'none',
        [style.after]: {
          cursor: 'default'

The resulting object styles for <ExtendMayhem> will be

  float: 'left',
  color: 'red',
  [style.after]: {
    content: '',
    clear: 'both',
    display: 'block'
  [style.hover]: {
    textDecoration: 'none',
    [style.after]: {
      color: 'pink',
      cursor: 'default'